Search tips to find a property
If you're having trouble locating your property account on myCabCo, try using some of the tips below.
You can locate a property account by searching with any of the following criteria:
Parcel Number or Account Number
- Parcel Numbers are specific to real estate and always have 14 digits.
- Account Numbers are for personal property, and are between 3-12 characters.
Bill Number
Your bill number is always 6 digits long. If you choose this search criteria, you will also be prompted to enter the bill year.
You can locate property by searching with the name of the property "Owner" or "Business" name.
- If you can remember, try using the exact name the property is titled, registered, etc. under.
- If you may not be the primary owner, try searching by any additional owner’s name.
- If you're still having trouble, try searching for the name associated with your account using the Cabarrus County Public Website.
Property Address
You can also search for your property tax account with the its street address.
- For directional streets, leave the direction (North, South, East, West) out of the street name.
- Do not include words or abbreviations like Drive, Court, Pl, Ave, Street, etc.
- Try dialing back the search to include only the first few characters or first word of the street name.
Once your property is located, you can view your tax bill details and complete your payment.
(see Add a property account to your profile, as well as Pay a Cabarrus County property tax bill, for additional assistance).