View a tax bill without paying
When you add a Cabarrus county property to your myCabCo profile, your property will appear on your dashboard, and all available bills will also be displayed.
However, finding and linking your property will not force you to make an immediate payment.
If you want to view what you owe without paying, follow the two steps below:
1. To begin, visit myCabCo or download the iOS or Android mobile app, and sign in or create an account (see Create a myCabCo profile).
Note: You can proceed as a guest user to view a tax bill, but it will not be stored on your profile for future payments.
2. Begin the process by adding a property to your myCabCo profile (see Add a property account to your profile).
3. Once you have located your property/properties, click Dashboard in the upper left hand corner of the screen, or select Yes, that looks good and then choose No thanks, I'm all set -- the third option on the right -- when asked if you'd like to pay your bill.
If you signed in to or created an account, your property and bills associated with it will be listed in Explore Service